About this Flowcell

Flowcell: 30J55AAXX
Instrument: Rotifer (ILLUMINA-33A494)
Instrument Model: Illumina Genome Analyzer II
Image Analysis: Firecrest 1.9.6
Base Caller: Bustard 1.9.6
Alignment: GERALD 1.34
Run Date: Oct. 17, 2008, 7:38 a.m.
Type: Single
Read Length: 37
Control Lane: None
Used new V2 sequencing reagents
Actual pM was much higher, as I used 400bp instead of 225bp to calculate

147 4378182
148 4428637
471 4375264
463 4456857

About this lane

Lane: 3
pM: 3.00

Library Name

Library ID: 10479
Name: C2C12 SRF 60hr ChIP 10/9/8 a
  • Gordon Kwan ( Barbara Wold )

Sample Details

Species: Mus musculus
Experiment Type: Unknown
Background or Cell Line: Unknown
Condition: Unknown
Replicate: 1

Library Details

Library Type: None
Multiplex Index:
Creation Date Oct. 15, 2008
Made By: Lorian
Gel Cut Size: 225
Concentration: 66.80 ng/µl
Protocol Stopping Point Ligation, PCR, gel, PCR

Run 081017_HWI-EAS229_0062_30J55AAXX

Lane IVC All IVC Call IVC Percent Base IVC Percent Base All IVC Percent Base Called
No data