About this Flowcell

Flowcell: AAFVYYNM5
Instrument: NextSeq2000 (Tardigrade)
Instrument Model: Illumina NextSeq2000
Run Date: May 20, 2024, 1:52 p.m.
Type: Paired
Read Length: 50
Control Lane: None
P1 100 cycles. 51-8-8-51 650 pM. 15% PhiX

Use HT1 to dilute each custom read primer mix to yield 600 μl at 0.3 μM final concentration. Use 2 ul of each read primer in 667 ul of HT1. Add 550 ul of HT1/primers to custom well 1 of NextSeq cartridge
Use HT1 to dilute each custom index primer mix to yield 600 μl at 0.6 μM final concentration.

Use 4 ul of each index primer in 667 ul of HT1. Add 550 ul of HT1/primers to custom well 2 of NextSeq cartridge