About this Flowcell

Flowcell: FC12846
Instrument: Rotifer (ILLUMINA-33A494)
Instrument Model: Illumina Genome Analyzer II
Run Date: Nov. 27, 2007, 9:30 a.m.
Type: Single
Read Length: 32
Control Lane: 5
Lane 5 has the control, but was completely blank (I didn't see any irregularities when running the cluster station)
On visual inspection, the remaining lanes had close-to-normal actual cluster density, but had a very large footprint on most tiles.

147 4090453
148 4061628
183 4086817
625 4086841

2011-05-25 DET: Marked all the lanes as "failed" so we stop looking for this flowcell. It also doesn't appear like I archived the runfolder anywhere. The eland result files that were saved have ~10,000 reads that pass QC